U.P. 2-1-1 Call Center

“2-1-1” is an easy-to-remember telephone number that connects people with important community services and volunteer opportunities.

Every hour of every day someone needs essential services such as assistance for a child, aging parent, or the entire family. Faced with the growing number of agencies and help-lines, individuals may have difficulty finding help because they do not know where to start or who to contact. U.P. 2-1-1 opens the door by providing easy access to needed information and assistance.

The Mission of the 2-1-1 Call Center is to provide easy accessible, responsive, and professional information and assistance to Upper Peninsula citizens and families in need.

Self-Service Utility Program Screening Tool

The Self-Service Utility Program Screening Tool was developed in partnership with the Upper Peninsula Power Company (UPPCO), the Upper Peninsula 2-1-1 Call Center and Michigan 2-1-1. If you are looking to save money on monthly utility bills or clear up a past due balance, this tool aims to efficiently connect UPPCO customers to the most appropriate assistance programs in 2-1-1’s directory of community programs.

Click "HERE" to return to Programs


Dial 2-1-1

Rotary Phones: 1-800-305-8137

Alternate Numbers & Out of the Area: 1-800-338-1119

Physical Address: 2501 14th Avenue South

Mailing Address: PO Box 606

Escanaba, Michigan 49829


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