Upper Peninsula Commission For Area Progress



In 1974, The Upper Peninsula Commission for Area Progress (UPCAP) was designated as the Region XI Upper Peninsula Area Agency on Aging, whose purpose is to advocate for and provide services to the residents of the Upper Peninsula.

Upcoming Events

Feb 26

Powerful Tools for Caregivers – Online

Powerful Tools for Caregivers is a highly effective six-week self-care workshop for family caregivers.

Research studies find high rates of depression and anxiety among caregivers and increased vulnerability to health problems. Caregivers frequently cite restriction of personal activities and social life as problems. In addition, caregivers often feel a lack of control over events and a sense of powerlessness which can have a significant negative impact on their physical and emotional health. The Powerful Tools for Caregivers online program will provide caregivers tools to help reduce stress and increase relaxation, make tough decisions, reduce guilt, anger and depression, communicate effectively, set goals and problem solve, and take better care of themselves while caring for a relative or friend. Caregivers will benefit from the class whether they are helping a parent, spouse, or friend living at home, in long-term care, or across the country.

Powerful Tools for Caregivers is designed for non-professional informal family caregivers who are helping a parent, spouse or friend living in the community, a nursing home or across the country. This highly effective, self-care program for family caregivers, builds skills that caregivers need to better care for themselves as they provide care for others. Caregiver participants learn to minimize the potentially negative impacts of caregiving emphasizing self-care and empowerment. The workshop focuses on self-care for the caregiver, not on specific diseases or hands-on caregiving.

Each session meets on Wednesdays, February 26 – April 2, 2025 from 11:00 am – 12:30 p.m. EST, via Zoom.

Class size is limited! Registration ends February 17, 2025.

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