Skills for Responding to Communication Changes

Communication Changes

Caregiving for a person with dementia comes with many different challenges.  Sometimes it can feel like there is too much to learn. Trualta makes it easier to  learn by focusing on a few core skills that can help across different situations.

Caregiver assisting senior man out of bed

You will see these 5 skills repeated throughout the toolkit with extra tips and  strategies. Which skills do you already know about? Which ones do you want to  learn more about?

The Skills  

Pause! Take a Breath

The care recipient is doing the best they can with the skills they have. So are you! If you take a calm  approach in communicating, you can have more successful interactions with  fewer frustrations.  

Set Up Your Surroundings  

It may be harder for your care recipient to focus on what you are saying. To improve communication, reduce sounds and sights that might be distracting.  

Use a Positive Tone and Body Language 

If the person you care for has dementia, they may rely more on reading your  tone and body language than the words that you use. Start most conversations with a happy and welcoming approach.  

Stick to Simple Statements 

We often use more words than we need to. If you provide one-step instructions  to your care recipient, you can help them be more successful during daily activities.  Sometimes we also speak too quickly! Slow down and give your care recipient  extra time to process and respond. 

Reply, then Redirect  

Your care recipient may repeat questions or make rude comments. Respond to  let them know you heard them and then help their brain move on to another  conversation or activity.

Additional Resources

  • Elderly woman driving

    Care Chat: Dementia & Driving

  • Caregiver helping with aggressive behavior

    Dementia and Aggressive Behavior

  • Writing on paper

    Finances For End Of Life

  • Elderly woman on cell phone

    Frauds & Scams: Online & Phone