1 out of 3 adults and
50% of seniors
have Prediabetes
Could YOU be one of them?
Take the Test at:
- Prediabetes screening test
- Prediabetes screening widget
- Find out more about prediabetes
- You can prevent type 2 diabetes
- Game plan for preventing diabetes
- Where Diabetes Prevention Programs are offered in the U.P.
- Current UPCAP classes
Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT) has been shown to help people with diabetes control their diabetes and lower their blood sugars by up to 50 mg/dl. The American Diabetes Association recommends that all people with diabetes get help developing an individualized meal plan, ideally by a Registered Dietitian with an expertise in diabetes.
- Tips for seniors: How to enjoy eating when you have diabetes
- Where to find Medical Nutrition providers in the U.P.
- Nutrition handouts
- Diabetes Care and Education
- Nutrition Therapy Recommendations for the Management of Adults with Diabetes
Diabetes Self Management Education – the American Diabetes Association recommends that all people with diabetes receive Diabetes self management education at diagnosis and as needed thereafter.
- Position paper on Diabetes Self Management Education
- Where to get Diabetes Self management education in the U.P.
Diabetes PATH Programs – Six week program (once a week for 2 ½ hours) designed to help people with diabetes learn how to better manage their diabetes. See more details here.
Diabetes educational resources
Addition resources for youth with type 1 diabetes
- Helping the Student with Diabetes Succeed: A Guide for School Personnel
- Understanding Diabetes by H. Peter Chase, MD and David Maahs, MD (2012)
- Camp UpInsulin – Camp for U.P. youth with diabetes offered each summer in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.