Savvy Caregiver – Online

Savvy Caregiver is recognized as a leading evidence-based dementia family caregiver training program.Savvy Caregiver is designed to provide the most relevant dementia knowledge, skills, and mastery to support family members as they provide care for their relative or friend living with dementia at home. Savvy Caregiver has been proven to decrease family caregiver distress, burden, and depression, while increasing caregivers’ sense of competence and confidence in their care role.


Powerful Tools for Caregivers – Online

Powerful Tools for Caregivers is a highly effective self-care workshop for family caregivers.Research studies find high rates of depression and anxiety among caregivers and increased vulnerability to health problems. Caregivers frequently cite restriction of personal activities and social life as problems. In addition, caregivers often feel a lack of control over events and a sense of powerlessness which can have a significant negative impact on their physical and emotional health. The Powerful Tools for Caregivers online program will provide caregivers tools to help reduce stress and increase relaxation, make tough decisions, reduce guilt, anger and depression, communicate effectively, set goals … Continue reading
