Medicaid Basics Training

Medicaid Basics Training for MMAP CounselorsThis year's Medicaid Basics training will be hosted on line, over the course of three weeks. The time for these trainings will be from 10a-12p EST on Wednesdays, starting March 3

Medicaid Basics Training

Medicaid Basics TrainingMedicaid Basics On Line Training for UP MMAP Counselors. This is a three day training (March 3, 10, and 17) from 10a - 12p EST each day. Counselors will have the chance to learn the basics of Medicaid and Extra Help programs. This is a great training for new counselors or for anyone that would like to brush up on their Medicaid knowledge!


Medicaid Basics Training

Medicaid Basics Training for MMAP CounselorsThis year's Medicaid Basics training will be hosted on line, over the course of three weeks. The time for these trainings will be from 10a-12p EST on Wednesdays, starting March 3